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Management of Provider Access Requirements 

  1. Procedure 

A provider wishing to request access should contact Mrs Kelly Robertson, Cultural Capital Coordinator & Careers Lead, at

  1. Opportunities for Access 

The school offers 4 provider encounters required by law (marked in bold text in Figure 1) and a number of additional events, integrated into the school careers programme. The 4 meaningful mandatory encounters across Years 8-11 are timetabled to take place within the stated windows (two from 1st September in Year 8 to 28th February of Year 9, and two from 1st September in Year 10 to 28th February in Year 11) as per the January 2023 DfE Careers guidance and access for education and training providers (Pg. 43) .  

*Although encounters are not required by law for Year 7 pupils, we have included this year group (in addition to the 4 legally required encounters in Years 8-11) to ensure that careers is a firm part of our pupils’ five year learning journey, supporting our hybrid options system and ensuring pupils make informed options choices. 

We will offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to pupils or their parents/carers. Please speak to Mrs Kelly Robertson, Cultural Capital Coordinator & Careers Lead to identify the most suitable opportunity for you. 

                           Gatsby Benchmark                                                 Policy Statement on Provider Access

Figure 1: Provider encounters 

Year Group 


HT 1 




 HT 1 


 HT 2 


HT 1 


HT 2 

Year 7 



Careers across the curriculum assembly 

National Apprenticeship week assembly 

National Apprenticeship week tutor time activities  




Year 8 


JCB National Careers Challenge 

Careers across the curriculum assembly 

National Apprenticeship week assembly 

Options assemblies and taster lessons 

National Apprenticeship week tutor activities 




Year 9 

SEND Ikea visit  

AROE – Living in the wider world 

Careers across the curriculum assembly 

National Apprenticeship week assembly 

Natwest National Careers Challenge 

National Apprenticeship week tutor activities 

NHS workshops 



Year 10 

Work Experience launch 

AROE – Living in the wider world 

DWP support pupils with WEX 

Directions early Post-16 intervention  

Careers across the curriculum assembly 

National Apprenticeship week assembly 

DWP support pupils with WEX 

Morgan Sindall interviewing techniques & CV writing 

National Apprenticeship week tutor activities 

Directions Post-16 small group sessions 


Directions Post-16 small group sessions 

Directions Post-16 small group sessions 

One week work experience program 

Visit to ARU Chelmsford Campus 

Year 11 

Post-16 Careers Fair 

Individual careers guidance (Directions) 

6th Form assemblies and visits 

AROE – Living in the Wider World 

Apprenticeship assembly (AIM) 


Individual careers guidance (Directions) 

6th Forms assemblies 

Individual careers guidance (Directions) 

CV writing workshops AIM/DWP 

Apprenticeship workshops DWP/Make Happen 

Individual careers guidance (Directions)