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We at Woodlands School are proud of the guidance offered to our youngsters.  If you don't know where you are going how will you ever get there?  Our youngsters have bright futures and our Independent Advice and Guidance will give them all they need to make the right choices on their next steps.                                    

Kelly Robertson is the Career Lead for Woodlands School


At Woodlands School, we are committed to ensuring all our pupils leave school equipped with the resilience, confidence, opportunity, and necessary skills to achieve their aspirations and be excellent in their careers. A pivotal part of this is providing pupils with an enriching and extensive careers programme, ensuring all pupils are well-informed of the choices available to them as they look towards life beyond school. 

The Government has increased the age at which all young people are required to remain in some form of education to 18 years; this is known as Raising the Participation Age (RPA).   Pupils have a range of options as to how they can participate. 

  •          Remain in full time education, such as sixth form or college. 
  •          Undertake work-based learning, such as an apprenticeship. 
  •          Work part time for more than 20 hours whilst undertaking part time education or training. 

Some pupils may have already decided on their chosen path and know exactly what they want to do, however, many will still be undecided and need extra information, advice, guidance, and support. 

What we do 

Within school pupils are given a wide range of education and information to support them in their choices which include:- 

  • Completing a careers modules within their AROE curriculum, where they are given the opportunity to research careers and assess their own skills and qualities.
  • Impartial information, advice, and careers guidance from Connexions personal advisors. The personal advisors also attend: Year 8 Parents Options Evenings and Year 11 Parent Teacher Evenings. 
  • We also hold an annual Post 16 fair for our year 10 and 11 pupils and their parents / carers and an additional Careers fair aimed at our year 7, 8 and 9 pupils in the summer term. In addition, we regularly have a wide range of employers and educational establishments who come into school to offer advice and guidance to help pupils to make informed decisions about their future. 

Where Can I find Out More?

  • The National Careers Service website makes it easy for both parents and pupils to access information and advice about education, training, and work. The website is at:
  • Prospectuses and information on apprenticeships are available from the school library. 
  • The Careers noticeboard is located in the main atrium. This is regularly updated with the latest information on 6th form and college open days as well as apprenticeship vacancies. 

Click here for the Career Guidance Website

Click here for the University Application Website

Click here for the apprenteship website 

Click here for the National Careers Service Website

School and college performance measures website