A reminder of the key dates throughout this Options process:
Thursday 9th January: Year 8 Virtual Options Information Evening 6-7pm
Monday 13th January - Friday 24th January: Options Assemblies
Friday 24th January: Options Forms sent to parents/carers via e-mail
Monday 13th January - Friday 24th January: Options Taster Sessions (lunchtimes)
Thursday 16th January: Year 8 Parent/Carer Consultation Evening
Thursday 6th February: deadline for final Options to be submitted (via Microsoft Forms)
Monday 24th February - Monday 3rd March: Options Assessments (for specific subjects)
Thursday 27th March: Options choices confirmed to pupils and parents/carers
If you have any further questions or queries, please feel free to contact ejordan@woodlandsschool.essex.sch.uk
Please see the YouTube live video below.