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At Woodlands we offer the chance to learn one of the most beautiful languages, French.  There is also an opportunity to practice your linguistic skills on our trip to Paris.



All pupils have a personal user name and password for this site (if unsure please see your teacher) which links with GCSE syllabus and topics/grammar covered in class. Foundation and higher exercises available and are excellent revision for listening and reading exam.

User name: woodlands password: French

Click on GCSE link to find an exam practice section with links to vocabulary, grammar, Listening and Reading exam practice (at both Foundation and Higher levels).  There is also a section for practice by Topic area.  The Downloads link has some useful documents for word lists, verb lists, etc.

NEW French GCSE Bitesize for Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing and Grammar links. LOTS of useful exam practice (by tier and by topic), as well as exam skills and grammar sections.  There’s a section for downloading audio bites to listen to, an interactive online game and a Revision Map link.     User name: woodlands password: bravo

Revise vocabulary in beginner section, intermediate section split into lots of transactional vocabulary (for speaking) and topic  

Create user name then you have free access to over 2000 French resources and activities(plus other subjects).  You can filter by exam board and / or by topic area from the links on the left-hand side.

A text to speech website.  You can type in your speaking questions/ presentation work and it will speak it back to you in an authentic French accent, to help you memorise it.

Practise your verbs and tenses and topic vocabulary here with a variety of different games and activities.      Practise your vocabulary. all pupils have individual usernames and passwords and can access podcasts across all their subjects – short news clips/articles (good for higher)

Exam Board websites:

You can go on most exam board websites and find exam / past paper practice.  You don’t just have to use Edexcel (we will be using these past papers in school anyway, so try other exam boards too).  ALL exam boards’ GCSEs have the same content (themes and topics) so ALL the practice exam resources will be useful.




Other ways of learning / revising!

Apps There are loads of (free) APPS you can use on your Smartphone for vocabulary, grammar practice, etc: