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Cultural Capital

We are the only school in the Country to have an Assistant Head Teacher for Cultural Capital - Mrs Heseltine. Her job is to add extra value beyond the classroom, like a purse or a wallet, to keep putting experiences and opportunities to make life at Woodlands even better. It is not all about exam results, though important, it is about gaining the chance to take all out of their comfort zones by trying something new with us. "Take risks. If you win, you will be happy. If you lose, you will be wiser."

What is Cultural Capital

Cultural Capital is something that we all possess, but in different amounts. It is a combination of a pupil's knowledge, skills and behaviour which enables them to be successful in the world of work, their career and in society. It is the golden thread that ties all aspects of a pupil's school life together, making our youngsters better people when they leave us.

Cultural Capital at Woodlands School

At Woodlands we strive hard to ensure that we add value to our pupils' Cultural Capital both inside and outside of the classroom. Our pupils realise that being successful is not just about their exam performance, therefore we have a range of opportunities and experiences for pupils to get involved in throughout their time at Woodland School. In addition to pupils' exam performance, we actively recognise and celebrate qualities we see in our pupils which are sought after by employers.

Cultural Capital at Woodlands is underpinned by our AROE ethos in every aspect of school life.

We define our Cultural Capital commitment through making a pledge to the pupils who attend our school. This pledge ensures that pupils who attend Woodlands School not only have the essential knowledge that they need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said but also have access to a range of learning experiences and enrichment opportunities supporting them in gaining an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.

Our Cultural Capital Pledge to the pupils at Woodlands School:

Whilst you attend Woodlands School you will have the opportunity to:

  • Partake in learning the exposes you to the essential knowledge that you need to be educated citizens, and introduces you to the best that has been thought and said, and that of human creativity
  • Take part in a range of extra-curricular clubs and activities
  • Represent the school in a sporting, cultural, or academic event
  • Take part in an outward-bound trip
  • Attended a national sporting, academic, or cultural event
  • Take part in a production or an event (back or front stage), including public speaking
  • Contribute to the sustainability of the school
  • Visit a museum/place of historical interest
  • Visit a theatre/art gallery
  • Learn how to play a musical instrument
  • Contribute to raising money for a charity or a community project
  • Attended a careers fair
  • Take part in Work Experience
  • Participate in an overseas visit
  • Take on a position of responsibility through the Pupil Leadership Roles
  • Participate in Post-16 talks and visits for Apprenticeships, Further and Higher Education that link to a broad range of careers


Link to PDF Printable Pledge