Numeracy is not just in Maths. The importance of number permeates all aspects of life and we at Woodlands embrace the chance to talk about numbers across all our curriculum.
Numeracy across the Curriculum
Numeracy Policy
The purposes of our whole-school numeracy policy:
- To develop, maintain and improve standards in numeracy across the school;
- To ensure consistency of practice including methods, vocabulary, and notation.
- To collaborate between subjects;
- To assist the transfer of pupils’ knowledge, skills and understanding between subjects.
- To equip pupils with vital life skills.
High Aspirations for all
Raising Standards in Numeracy across our school is a priority, it cannot be solely judged in increased grades. There is a need to evaluate the pupils’ ability to transfer mathematical skills into other subject areas, applying techniques to problem solving. Their confidence in attempting this is initially as important as achieving the correct solution. All Woodlands pupils will be highly literate and numerate, fully confident in applying these core skills to new contexts. If pupils are highly numerate and have transferable skills, we believe they will be more prosperous and obtain higher value jobs
Taking Opportunities
“It is vital that as the skills are taught, the applications are mentioned and as the applications are taught the skills are revisited.”
The transfer of skills is something that many pupils find difficult. It is essential to start from the basis that pupils realise it is the same skill that is being used; sometimes approaches in subjects differ so much that those basic connections are not made.
It’s our goal to ensure consistency in teaching numerical methods across all faculties.
As a maths department we ensure that:
All maths teachers are aware of mathematical techniques used in other subjects and provide assistance and advice to other departments, so that a correct and consistent approach is used in all subjects.
We provide information to other subject teachers on appropriate expectations of students and difficulties and misconceptions likely to be experienced in various age and ability groups.
Seek opportunities to use topics and examination questions from other subjects in mathematics lessons and vice versa.
Ensure consistency of teaching numeracy and mathematical methods across all subjects. Particularly correct use of vocabulary