Elite Player Development
The Elite Player Development (EPD) is a specifically designed programme to nurture aspiring athletes at Woodlands School in a range of different sporting disciplines. There are six EPD programmes, which include Rugby, Boys and Girls Football, Basketball, Athletics and Netball. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to develop as players in their chosen sport as they will be given time to attend quality and intensive training sessions led by coaches that are specialists in their field. The expectation is for athletes to attend two compulsory training sessions per week, as well as their squad training sessions that take place after school. Our students on the Elite Player Development Programme are expected to attend squad sessions, for other sports, to develop their whole game understanding & transfer these skills back into their specialist sports and contribute to Woodlands’ School’s community and reputation.
The training will develop a player’s game awareness, fundamental core skills, position specific skills, as well as improving an athlete’s fitness. Specific fitness sessions throughout the year will improve an athletes speed, agility, power and strength with sessions taking place in the fitness suite as well on the training pitch. Pupils will be encouraged to attend county and national competitions or academy trials where possible to ensure they excel in their chosen sport.
Pupils will also be mentored academically by the lead coach to ensure players are achieving their potentially in the classroom. Regular analysis of pupils data will be shared with coaches and pupils to ensure progress of academic achievement is maintained throughout the year. We also manage the behaviours of our athletes, tracking their behaviour points and ensuring they are upholding the expected behaviours in the class. Therefore, this programme is physically and mentally demanding and athletes will be expected to have excellent organisation and time management skills to ensure they do not fall behind. Leaders of programmes can also offer some pastoral care, if students are struggling both socially and emotionally.
As our EPD Athletes progress through school, we look to explore our established links to ensure our students have the most appropriate sixth form/ college experience, which focuses on both academic studies & continuing their sporting progress. This involves helping with writing applications, exploring different college links, references and ensuring the essential life skills are taught so they can adapt into their next stage of their education.
Those on the programme will have access to EPD Kit, which can be worn for their sessions and for their PE Lessons.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. For any additional information, then please email Joe Heavey.