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Mid-Year Admissions


Woodlands School is in the enviable position of being fully subscribed.  But our youngsters can move out of area from time to time so if you are interested in joining us mid-year please follow the details below.  We would be delighted to have you with us on our journey.

Please click on the link below and complete the ‘Mid-Year Application Form’ below and return it directly to us for the attention of the Admissions Department:

Upon receipt of your application, we will aim to write to you within 10 schools days to confirm if a place is being offered or not.

If you do not hear within this timescale, pleas contact the school directly to ask about your application.

Parents refused a place at the school have a right to appeal to an independent appeal panel.  Appeals should be lodged within 20 school days of a refusal letter using the school's appeal form which is available on the school website.

The school will maintain a waiting list of unsuccessful applications, which will be ranked in accordance with the priority afforded by the admission criteria.